New DDR Sounds From JAM Creative

Early April 2015, Will traveled to Dallas where JAM Creative Productions is located. JAM is known world-wide as the premier radio ID jingle company, and DDR chose them to create some new sounds to help present our music and identify our station. He actually got to sing on a couple of cuts – (although that’s unofficial, as JAM is a union shop and Will is not in the union!)  DDR is thrilled to have JAM continue to be our first choice for jingles. This cut is one version of our top of the hour ID. In addition to the rhythm section (drums, bass, guitar, keyboard and other percussion) there are violins, cellos, trumpets, French horns, saxophones, seven singers – three girls and four guys (and other stuff they wouldn’t tell us about!) Then they “stack” everything. For example the singers sing the tracks twice which in effect creates fourteen voices. They do that with most everything which creates a very large, full sound that’s evident on this cut. We hope you enjoy our new jingles as much as we do!  Visit their website at: JAM Creative Productions, Inc

JAM 7 Voices